Taught in English
Computer Science and Technology
International Economics and Trade
Taught in Chinese
College of Economics and Management
1. Economics
2. International Economics and Trade
3. Financial Management
4. Economic Statistics
5. Logistics Engineering
College of Political Science and Law
1. Law
2. Administrative Management
3. Urban Management
College of Educational Science
1. Pedagogy
2. Applied Psychology
3. Primary School Education
4. Special Education
5. Pre-school Education
College of Educational Information and Technology
1. Educational Technology
2. Information Engineering
3. Digital Medium Technology
College of Physical Education
1. Physical Education
2. Social Sports Guidance and Management
3. Dance Performance (Sport Dance)
College of Chinese Language and Literature
1. Chinese language and literature
2. Radio and Television
3. Advertising
4. Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
College of Foreign Studies
1. English
2. Business English
3. Japanese
4. French
College of Mathematics and Statistics
1. Statistics
2. Applied Statistics
3. Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
4. Information and Computational Science
College of Physics and Electronic Science
1. Physics
2. Electronic and Information Science and Technology
3. Electronic Information Engineering
4. Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
1. Chemistry
2. Applied Chemistry
3. Chemical Engineering and Technology
College of Urban and Environmental Sciences
1. Geographical Science
2. Natural Geography and Resources and Environment
3. Humanistic Geography and Urban and Rural Planning
4. Environmental Engineering
5. Geographic Information Science
College of Life Sciences
1. Biological Science
2. Biological Technology
3. Food Science and Engineering
College of Mechatronics and Control Engineering
1. Electrical Engineering and Automation
2. Automation
3. Rail Transit Signal and Control
4. Industrial Design
College of Fine Arts
1. Art
2. Visual Communication Design
3. Environmental Design
4. Product Design
5. Clothing Design
College of Music
1. Musicology (Music Education)
2. Musicology (Vocal Music Performance)
3. Musicology (Instrumental Performance)
4. Musicology (Composition)
5. Dancology
6. Dance Performance
7. Art of Broadcasting and MC