Campus Life
Chinese language students group photo 2024年04月11日 Chinese language students group photoChinese language students group photo2
Short-term overseas students from Northern Ireland 2024年04月11日 Short-term overseas students from Northern IrelandShort-term overseas students from Northern Ireland3Short-term overseas students from Northern Ireland2
The 50th anniversary performance of the university 2024年04月11日 Chorus rehearsalChorus rehearsal2
The Class Meeting for International Students 2023年10月16日
Useful APP for your day to day life in China 2023年07月10日 Wechat (微信) Alipay (支付宝) Baidu Map (百度地图) Taxi Didi (滴滴出行) Meituan Delivery (美团外卖) Taobao (淘宝) Ping Duoduo (拼多多) Moji Weather (墨迹天气) Ctrip (携程)
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